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  • COVID-19 UPDATE (18th March 2020)

    Published 18/03/20

    Re: Dudley Academies Trust's  response to the Prime Minister's announcement on Wednesday 18th March 2020 at 17.00: School closure from Monday 23rd March 2020

    The academy will be open on Thursday 19th March and Friday 20th March for learners in all year groups. The same guidance applies that has been issued with regard to Covid- 19: Learners should not attend if they have a dry, persistent cough or a temperature, or if a member of the family has those symptoms.  If learners are a member of a vulnerable group, they should also remain at home.

    With regard to the Prime Minister's announcement at 17.15 on Wednesday 18th March at 2020, guidance will be issued tomorrow. The Trust will ensure that children of 'front line' workers and learners in vulnerable groups are provided for in accordance with the Department for Education's requirements.

    Jo Higgins

    Chief Executive.

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  • COVID-19 Updates

    Published 18/03/20

    Please note all updates regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) including Principal Podcasts, Chief Executive updates and links to the most up to date guidance can be found on the COVID-19 updates tab. For Distance Learning materials please visit the Curriculum tab.

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  • Local advice on Covid 19

    Published 16/03/20

    The attached letter was published last week and was available through our emergency notices pop up until earleir today.

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  • Postponed: Quiz Night

    Published 15/03/20

    Unfortunately, due to the current climate, Beacon Hill Academy have chosen to postpone this evening’s Quiz Night as a precautionary measure.

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  • More Outstanding Artwork!

    Published 12/03/20

    Even more amazing artwork produced by our talented Year 11 learners during their mock exams earlier this week!

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  • Year 8 Boardgames

    Published 12/03/20

    Miss Foster would like to give a big shout out to her Year 8 English class for their fantastic work on these board games based on the Greek myths.

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  • Dudley College - Open Day

    Published 12/03/20

    Dudley College will be holding an open day on Saturday 14th March 2020.

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  • Football and Rugby Fixtures for W/C 9th March 2020

    Published 06/03/20

    - Year 7 Football v Summerhill (A) (astro)

    - Year 9 Football v Summerhill (A)
    - Year 7 Rugby tournament @ Stourbridge

    - Year 8 Football v Summerhill (A)

    - Year 8 Rugby tournament @ Stourbridge

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  • 10-for-Ten Update

    Published 06/03/20

    More information on our 10-for-Ten initiative can be found above.

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  • Sport Relief Basketball Challenge

    Published 06/03/20

    To raise money for Sport Relief, why not take part in our 'Basketball Challenge'? 

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  • Outstanding Artwork

    Published 06/03/20

    Last week, our Year 11 Art learners took part in a mock examination, to prepare them for their real exams.

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  • Wall of Hope

    Published 04/03/20

    We are raising money for Birmingham Children's Hospital as voted for by learners at Beacon Hill Academy and across Dudley Academies Trust!

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