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  • Former Head Dies

    Published 02/03/20

    John Gerrish, former Headteacher of The High Arcal School has died.

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  • Celebrating Attendance 2!

    Published 02/03/20

    This week, both 7MCO and 11SQU managed to hold onto their titles, with special congratulations going to 11SQU for managing to maintain their 'Best in School' status this week, tied to the decimal with 11AAL!

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  • Primary School Parents: See our academy in action!

    Published 28/02/20

    If you have children in Year 6 or 5, you are invited to book a tour of our academy.

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  • Coronavirus Update

    Published 27/02/20
    02/03/20 - Latest Update:

    This is a rapidly evolving situation where information is being gathered and assessed daily by Public Health England.

    Today the Department for Education have launched a new helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education. Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline as follows:

    Phone: 0800 046 8687 Email: [email protected]

    Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)No school should close in response to a suspected (or confirmed) COVID-19 case unless directed to do so by Public Health England.

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  • The Dance Festival 2020

    Published 26/02/20

    Beacon Hill Academy is thrilled to announce the dates for our annual 'The Dance Festival'.

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  • Celebrating Attendance

    Published 24/02/20

    A big well done to our highest achieving forms in each year group for their attendance last week!

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  • Inspirational Speaker

    Published 14/02/20

    Yesterday, some of our learners were able to take part in an inspirational session with Stephen Seki, touching upon his journey and success, and how we can all apply certain techniques to be the best that we can be!

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  • Year 7 Valentines Disco 2020

    Published 14/02/20

    A huge thank you to our Parents and Friends Association for organising an amazing 'Valentines Disco' yesterday for our Year 7 learners!

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  • Macbeth Trip to The Old Rep

    Published 12/02/20

    Year 9 & 10 learners enjoyed a fantastic production of Macbeth on Thursday.

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  • Knife Crime Presentation

    Published 05/02/20

    Year 8 learners were able to watch a performance by @saltminetrust covering the topic of knife crime yesterday.

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    Published 31/01/20

    New signings at the Wolves: 7 Year 11 learners from Beacon Hill Academy!

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  • Careers Assembly

    Published 31/01/20

    “That was excellent!” “I want to know more!”

    These were just some of the comments made by our Year 11 learners following a Careers Assembly earlier this week.

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