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Our Curriculum

At Beacon Hill Academy, we recognise that improving educational outcomes is the biggest way we can positively impact our learners’ futures. We take the term ‘educational’ in its most broad sense: this means more than just a set of results. It includes a child's intellectualsocial, moral, cultural and personal development.

The key to achieving this vision is in the way that teachers develop the curriculum, and the way learners experience it. We want a curriculum that is designed effectively and implemented expertly, that is true to subjects’ core content and concepts, develops a love of lifelong learning, and creates high quality work, expertise, fascination and wonder. 

Curriculum Mission Statement

We have high expectations of everyone; each member of our academy community is nurtured and supported by our curriculum offer to develop academically, socially, emotionally and morally to be the best they can be. Every interaction between staff and learners is planned, deliberate and meaningful; we lead together and we respect each other.

Learning happens everywhere in our school in a variety of different ways. We ensure that all learners, regardless of starting points or barriers, are recipients of learning that inspires them. Our learners leave school with the learning behaviours, acumen and skills to achieve academic success and continue to dream big. Our curriculum helps to engender lifelong learners who make a constructive contribution to society, fulfill their high aspirations and progress on to positive destinations which reward their efforts.

Curiculum Intent

Our mission is to develop an inspirational school which instils ambition and desire in young learners, opens their minds, widens their horizons and equips them to succeed in a challenging world.

Our curriculum is broad, balanced and relevant to the needs of all our learners. It offers a range of personalised progression pathways and enables our learners to make rapid progress in both core and foundation subjects, while giving the opportunity to experience a wealth of other enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities.

  • To offer learners a broad and balanced curriculum with a focus on STEM subject, that develops opportunities to link in with real life experiences, opportunities and careers education
  • Work readiness, work exposure and work experience is a key elements of the curriculum for all year groups with an emphasis on developing entrepreneurship. There will be numerous opportunities for learners to forge links with local industry particularly priority areas such as advanced manufacturing and engineering; this important dimension of the curriculum will be evident at all points in our learners’ education.
  • High quality impartial careers advice and guidance is accessible to all year groups ensuring that learners can see the relevance of their education and are encouraged to plan for their future. The Trust will engage with local and strategic industrial and commercial developments such Jaguar Land Rover and Thomas Dudley Ltd.
  • The responsive curriculum will use these excellent opportunities to link directly with employers bringing STEM to life, giving learners a full understanding of the relevance of their education and fully preparing them for employment. The Trust will make a significant contribution to improving the skills base of the Black Country.
  • To ensure that learners leave Beacon Hill Academy as wellrounded individuals who have developed the skills of communication through written, reading and verbal skills, so they are able to converse as articulate young people. At Beacon Hill Academy we want the best opportunities for all our learners, regardless of their background and social economic deprivation.
  • The diverse curriculum builds on key skills and concepts which are carefully mapped and planned across all curriculum areas. 
  • We want to instil a love of reading for both purpose and pleasure. Reading is a key part of the curriculum and there is a key focus for developing this in all curriculum areas. 
  • The Curriculum ensures that learners build that cultural capital and experiences for a greater understanding of the world, which will prepare them for life in multicultural Britain.
  • The variety of subjects on offer is designed to help plug the skills and labour market gaps within the local and regional are in engineering, hospitality, health and social care sector.
  • From year 7 onwards, learners will benefit from a wide range of opportunities to use the cutting edge facilities of Dudley College of Technology. An entitlement to impartial high-quality careers advice and guidance will inform learners about the exciting progression routes to further education, higher education and employment. 

Reading Recovery

In recent years we have seen an increase in the number of learners that are coming in below the secondary ready score of 100. This means that our learners in year 7 are not yet equipped with the tools and skills to access the curriculum effectively. As such we provide an enhanced reading recovery programme for those learners that require interventions. This includes the delivery of the Ruth Miskin Programme (3 hours a week), on a one to one basis or in small groups. Learners also use Lexia Core 5 to further enhance their skills in reading.

Reading for Pleasure

At Key Stage 3 all learners are provided with age-appropriate reading books, which all learners read during designated tutor times. This is lead by our Reading Co-ordinator who provides class tasks and comprehension activities to complement the reading programme.

Extra Sessions in Year 11

Year 11 is undoubtedly the most challenging and potentially most stressful year for learners.  In many respects, it does not solely represent five years of hard study at secondary school but reflects the culmination of eleven years of learning.   It is the all-important climax, where learners must apply everything they have learned so far to complete a testing series of examinations.

To support learners, we run lots of revision sessions throughout the year which are delivered by our dedicated subject specialist teachers. These sessions are part of the Dudley Academies Trust ‘Upgrade Mission’ and include extra lessons 3 days a week (Periods 6 & 7), as well as optional revision sessions on weekends and during the school holidays.

We are proud of our curriculum offer which, when combined with high-quality teaching and learning, enables all of our learners to flourish.

For more information about any part of the curriculum, please contact [email protected]