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DofE Update

Good afternoon everyone, I just wanted to make you aware of a few things regarding the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

With the current Covid-19 situation it means we are unable to run D of E activities at school and many local sports clubs and volunteering opportunities have now stopped.

However, I would suggest that students continue with their physical, skills and volunteering sections at home where possible. This may mean volunteering to help out local residents who are unable to get to shops or walk their dogs etc and perform their physical sections at home whilst training / jogging, as long as they continue to collect evidence and upload to their eDofE log. Finally, it's a great opportunity for students to learn a new skill if they have not already done so.

With regards to the expedition, we WILL complete the expedition section either at the end of this academic year or in year 11 to ensure all students have the opportunity to complete their award. I'll update the school website in due course with details as and when I get them from the D of E.

If you have any questions please email
[email protected]

Finally, please see this information from the Duke of Edinburgh which includes many answers to questions you may have.

Mr Martin