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Learners at Beacon Hill Academy have the choice to either bring their own breaktime snack and packed lunches, or to purchase food provided by the Academy. Learners are not expected to stick to one choice or the other and are welcome to change their minds as to which they would prefer to do at any time, even on a day to day basis. 

We operate a cashless payment system, utilising Weduc Payments. Parents/carers can load money onto their child’s ‘finger’ for them to use to purchase food in our canteen, without the worry of carrying around money during the day.

Lunchtimes are staggered to avoid long queues, meaning that the hall will be used by the following year groups at the following times for lunch: 

Food at Beacon Hill Academy is provided by Dudley Catering, Cleaning and Caretaking Services and our menu can be viewed using the button below: