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Behaviour & Rewards

As of 2018/19, we are promoting our new Behaviour & Rewards Policy which builds on and strengthens our existing approach.

The main features of our new policy are:


Achieving Excellence by Creating an Aspirant Culture through Values Driven Education


Dudley Academies Trust is fully committed to Values Driven Education, meaning we all live by our 5 Core Values:

  • Dreaming big
  • Rewarding effort
  • Leading together
  • Respecting each other and our world
  • Learning that inspires.

Our values fully embody British values, which are central to all that we do. These British values completely align with our commitment to treating others with honesty, integrity and respect. Above all, we are a highly supportive community.

We want our learners to be well-educated citizens who can make the right choices for themselves and others so that they can contribute to society in many positive ways.


As a Dudley Academy Trust learner, they will be expected to:

• Aim high in everything that they do and fully embrace our values system,

• Demonstrate outstanding effort and develop resilience,

• Fully comply with Values Driven Expectations which is rewards led.

First and foremost, we provide a safe and caring environment where every individual learner can flourish. Bullying and any form of emotional or physical abuse are not tolerated. We also educate our learners about how to stay safe in the digital world.


Good choices bring rewards; poor choices bring sanctions.

We believe in rewarding our learners for demonstrating drive and determination towards achieving academic and personal excellence. Our experience-based bespoke rewards scheme which was designed and launched especially for our learners in September 2018 provides a motivational and innovative approach to recognising and rewarding effort. Each term special reward events, including Easter Fairs and Summer Festivals, take place for those learners who have achieved enough qualifying points. After each reward event, the points are reset to encourage those learners who didn’t qualify for the previous event to demonstrate determination and resilience.

Punctuality is also an important benchmark of a learner’s commitment to their studies and being on time for the start of the school day and all lessons is closely monitored.


The full behaviour policy is available online at or copies are available from the main school reception.