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  • Question Time 2019

    Published 03/12/19

    It was great to see so many learners getting involved with our Question Time event today, asking some very thought-provoking questions of our local candidates! We are extremely proud of the way in which you all conducted yourselves this morning.

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  • Question Time

    Published 24/11/19

    Beacon Hill Academy is very excited to be hosting a Question Time event for all the Parliamentary candidates in North Dudley who are standing to be MPs. The audience will be made up from our learners, who will be asking the questions and listening to what the candidates have to say.

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  • GCSE Presentation Evening 2019

    Published 22/11/19

    It was wonderful to welcome back our Class of 2019 to celebrate their GCSE successes!

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  • Girls Rugby Taster Sessions

    Published 21/11/19

    Over the past two weeks, the girls at Beacon Hill Academy have been getting involved in Rugby at Stourbridge Rugby Club and working with professional coaches to promote the sport.

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  • Trashion Challenge

    Published 15/11/19

    Our Textiles after school club have taken part in a “Trashion Challenge” this week where they were tasked with designing and making a garment with resources from the “trash”.

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  • Textiles Remembrance Project

    Published 08/11/19

    After weeks of hard work, our after school textiles club was finally able to showcase their amazing project in our reception area for all of our learners, staff and visitors to see.

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  • PRAISE Assemblies

    Published 04/11/19

    What a fantastic first half term to 2019-20 academic year at Beacon Hill Academy.

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  • Results Improvements

    Published 21/10/19

    Great news for Beacon Hill Academy. The latest statistics confirm that our learners have improved GCSE results, better results in English and Maths, and improved progress scores.

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  • D of E Triumph!

    Published 16/10/19

    Well done to the year 11 girls who completed their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award last weekend.

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  • Rugby Update

    Published 15/10/19

    The Beacon Hill Academy year 10 rugby side lost out to Bromsgrove school in the first round of the Daily Mail National cup last week. In a tough draw which saw them drawn away at Bromsgrove, ranked in the top ten schools in the country for rugby, the lads knew they had an uphill battle. 

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  • Exchange Programme 2019

    Published 08/10/19

    It's been wonderful to once again welcome some of our Exchange students across from the Academy of English in Oldenburg, Germany.

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  • GCSE Results Success!

    Published 23/08/19

    A huge well done to all of our learners today on their GCSE Results. After all of the hard work, countless exams and long wait over the summer, you have all made us very proud of you, your achievements and your progress.

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