Question Time
Beacon Hill Academy is very excited to be hosting a Question Time event for all the Parliamentary candidates in North Dudley who are standing to be MPs. The audience will be made up from our learners, who will be asking the questions and listening to what the candidates have to say.
The event will take place on Tuesday 3rd December at 10am in the School Hall. It is hoped that the event will be covered by the local media and you may well be the star of the show! Adrian Goldberg from the BBC will be chairing the event and learners from all year groups will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in the debate.
We only have 150 places available in the audience. Learners who would like to be part of the audience must submit a question that they would like to ask. The best questions will be selected by Mr Dhami and these learners will be invited to take part in the Live Debate.
If you would like to be part of the audience, please complete a slip which you can find in reception. Simply write down your name, form and question and then post it in the blue box in reception. Alternatively, please complete the online form below.
Mr Dhami will then select the best questions from all year groups to take part in the debate. This is a fantastic opportunity for our learners, and we hope that lots of you will submit your questions for the MPs this week!