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  • Half Termly Rewards

    Published 25/04/21
    Check out our new #RewardingEffort programme - let's see how many learners we can reward this term!
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  • Year 9 & 10: COVID-19 Testing

    Published 06/03/21
    Please see below for more information on testing for Year 9 & 10.
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  • Teams Champions & Bedrock Blast Off Winners

    Published 02/03/21

    Well done to our Teams Champions and Bedrock Blast Off winners from last week!

    Keep up the excellent attitude to learning!


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  • Year 9 Options Meetings

    Published 01/03/21

    Dear parents/carers,

    One-to-one Options meetings with members of the SLT will be taking place on W/C 15th March. Meetings will be virtual and facilitated through SchoolCloud (our Parents Evening System).

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  • Pastoral Legends

    Published 28/02/21

    Well done to this week's Pastoral Legends who have been nominated by our Pastoral Team for a superb attitude during this challenging period!

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  • Subject Award Winners

    Published 28/02/21

    Congratulations to the learners below who were chosen last week as the subject award winners by our Curriculum Team Leaders for each subject!

    We're all really proud of you - keep it up!


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  • Teams Takeaway Winners & Hegarty Heroes

    Published 28/02/21

    Well done to our Teams Takeaway and Hegarty Heroes from last week!

    It's great to see how quickly you got back into the swing of things after half-term! Keep up the hard work everyone!


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  • The Masked Reader

    Published 27/02/21

    Are you a fan of top TV hit ‘The Masked Singer’? Well it’s time to turn off the TV and start reading! 

    To inspire you – and to celebrate World Book Day on 4th March – why not take part in Beacon Hill’s very own ‘The Masked Reader’? 

    Hiding behind the masks are five members of staff who talk about their favourite books and why they love them. All you need to do is watch the video and work out who is behind each mask and what book they are talking about. Then send your entry to [email protected]. There is a £10 on-line book voucher up for grabs for the winner from each year what book will you choose?

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  • Excellent Progress in English/Maths

    Published 26/02/21
    We'd like to take some time to celebrate learners who have made progress in either English or Maths based on mock results and engagement in Distance Learning.
    Keep up the hard work everyone - we're so proud of you!
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  • Super Saturday 27/02/21

    Published 26/02/21

    We love #RewardingEffort here at Beacon Hill Academy!

    This week, our MFL Department have been really impressed with our Year 7 learners' wanted posters - not only did these demonstrate a good ability at foreign language, but they looked amazing, too!

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  • Super Saturday

    Published 12/02/21

    It's #SuperSaturday and this week there is lots to celebrate!

    We have individual achievements, Wellbeing Wednesday activities and your amazing creations from 'Cooking with Miss Lloyd'!

    It's been great to see you all getting involved with our activities!


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