11.12.20 End of Term Letter
Dear Parent/Carers,
End of Term Letter
First and foremost, I hope that you and your family are well. I would like to take this opportunity to say well done to all of our learners for the way that they have conducted themselves and responded to the challenges and changes that COVID-19 has presented this term.
I am immensely proud of both the learners and staff for their resilience, commitment and hard work. Despite the challenges caused by the pandemic, the academy has continued to offer our learners high-quality educational opportunities and enriching experiences. We can be proud in the way that collectively we have responded to a new way of learning. I am particularly proud that:
- Year 11 have conducted themselves impeccably during the mock exam period.
- Learners in all year groups have continued to engage successfully in the online distance learning programme.
- Staff have continued to develop and deliver high quality online, voice-over and virtual lessons.
- We have launched our new reading cafe for Year 7 called ‘Starbooks’ which has been well received by learners.
- There is a high number of Year 11 learners engaging in English and Maths breakfast booster sessions, Saturday catch up sessions and Period 6s.
- We have raised £300 for the Movember challenge and £350 for Children in Need.
- The academy has collected food for the Black Country Foodbank.
- We hosted our first Virtual Opening Evening and Q&A session.
- Our learners marked European Languages Day and Black History Month.
- The academy was visited by BBC Newsnight to showcase the incredible work that the academy has delivered, despite Dudley having the highest rate of COVID-19 confirmed cases in the West Midlands. Please click on the link to view: https://youtu.be/IgCjEwO0FgI
All of the above has only been possible due to the commitment of our staff, learners and parents/carers. I would like to offer a heartfelt thank you to all of those who have been involved in making this a successful term.
As we approach the end of term, we continue to celebrate the success of all learners. In terms of rewarding their effort, we are due to launch a new BHAFTA celebration afternoon (Beacon Hill Academy Form Tutor Awards.) This will take place on Thursday 17th December 2020. We will also be immersing ourselves in the festive spirit by rewarding our learners with festive treats at break and lunchtimes every day next week.
Following the Department for Education’s announcement on Tuesday 8th December 2020 that schools can use Friday 18th December 2020 as an INSET day, in consultation with Dudley Academies Trust we have opted designate this day for this purpose. The Autumn Term will therefore end on Thursday 17th December 2020 at the usual time.
As a result of this decision, we will be holding our Christmas jumper day on Thursday 17th December 2020. Learners can wear a Christmas jumper (instead of their blazer) over their shirt and tie alongside school trousers and school shoes. Money raised by learners each donating £1 will go to Birmingham Children’s Hospital.
The spring term will commence on Monday 4th January 2020 and all learners should return to school at the usual time as allocated for their year group. Please see the school times below.
Over the festive period, we will continue to monitor confirmed cases of COVID-19 for the academy. It is, therefore, important to notify the academy should your child have a confirmed case during the holiday period. You can do this by emailing: [email protected]
Can I take this opportunity to thank you, the learners and the staff for the high levels of dedication, incredible hard work and ongoing support you offer Beacon Hill Academy.
I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Yours Sincerely,
Mr S. Dhami
Please see the new timings of the day: