07.11.20 Confirmed Cases Letter
Dear Parent /Carer
COVID-19 Confirmed Case
I am writing to inform you that two learners in Year 11 have tested positive for Coronavirus
on 06th November 2020. The academy has acted swiftly to ‘track and trace’ everyone that had contact with the confirmed learners. One of them has not been in school since the start of this half term and has therefore not had any close or direct contact with any learner or staff.
Given an increased number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Year 11, as a precautionary measure, we are acting on the advice of Public Health England to close our Year 11 ‘bubble’ and are directing all learners in Year 11 to study from home through our remote learning programme for the duration of the next two weeks. Please see this letter for more information.
Whilst I appreciate that this will be unwelcomed news for some of our learners and their parents/carers, please be assured that our Distance Learning Programme will be implemented for all learners who are having to self-isolate. These learners should log onto Microsoft Teams to access their learning for all subjects so that they can continue to access high quality provision.
Should you have any further question please email [email protected].
Yours sincerely
Mr S Dhami