Settling In and Making Friends
We place great emphasis on ensuring that the transition from primary to secondary school is as smooth as possible and an exciting and happy experience for your child.
Firstly, they will receive a booklet telling them about everything that will happen before and after they start with us. Our staff then go out to all of our main feeder schools to say ‘hello’ to the children, talk to their teachers and learn all about them and their abilities and needs. Any extra support that is needed will be noted so that it can be in place when your child comes to us. SEND staff will also make contact where appropriate.
Then, in July, there will be induction events that will enable your child to meet their new teachers and classmates. They will come to an induction evening and have a tour of the school. There will also be a meeting for all new parents and carers which you are strongly encouraged to attend. Most importantly, all new learners will come to a block of taster days, where they attend lessons, make new friends, get to know their teachers, get used to the behaviour and rewards system, and begin to feel at home in the academy.
Pastoral support is one our strengths. Every child who joins us will clearly know who to talk to if they have things on their mind. That support is with them throughout their school career.
When children join us in September, some come with several friends from primary school and some don’t know anyone else. It won’t make any difference after the first few days because the way that we teach rotates children around the classroom so that they work with lots of different children and soon have the confidence to talk to everyone.