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Welcome to Year 7

Welcome to the Transition area for Year 6 learners who will be joining Year 7 at Beacon Hill Academy. This area provides key information about the transition journey. All communications sent to new parents and carers are also posted at the bottom of this page from March onwards. 

Please see the link to our Summer School page for more information:

Welcome from the Principal - Mr S Dhami (2024)

I am delighted to welcome your child as a new learner in September 2024 at Beacon Hill Academy, part of Dudley Academies Trust. Our academy recently achieved above national average for the progress made by learners during their time at school and is above the average for Dudley. In fact, since 2019 when we joined Dudley Academies Trust, Beacon Hill has become one of the most improved secondary schools in the Borough for Progress. As the Principal, I am extremely proud of what we have to offer and I am confident that our provision is of high quality. Above all, I am committed to ensuring that your child will have the best possible life chances as a result of a first-class educational experience. Your child’s move from Year 6 to Year 7 is a very exciting time. However, I recognise that it is a period of great change and that your child may understandably experience some anxiety. I can reassure you that our transition process is highly effective and places all new learners’ wellbeing at the heart of all that we do. You are likely to have questions about many aspects of the transition from primary school to secondary: for example, uniform and equipment, school lunches and learning support. I can confirm that all this information and much more will be provided by our Transition Lead in due course. In July, we will hold Induction days for our new learners to meet their Year 7 teachers and classmates, followed by an evening event for parents/carers. Information will also be available via our academy website and social media platforms.

I very much look forward to meeting you and your child in the near future.

Wecome from the Chief Executive Officer - Mrs J Higgins (2024)

I am delighted that your child has been offered a place at one of our secondary academies in September 2024. It is my pleasure to inform you that your child will be gifted a blazer and tie as a way of welcoming them into our Trust. You will receive information about how to obtain these items of uniform in the coming weeks.

I would like to take this opportunity to share some information about Dudley Academies Trust and the exciting work that we are doing to provide the very best education for all our learners. The vision for our Trust is that our family of schools will be the first choice for young people and parents/carers.

We have a strong track record of GCSE results. In 2023, our four secondary academies were the top four schools in Dudley for improved progress when compared with 2019 outcomes and all are at or above the national average for this key benchmark. Furthermore, all our schools continue to improve on the gold standard GCSE measure of Grade 5 plus in both English and Mathematics and there is a year-on-year increase in the number of learners achieving the higher grades, 7 to 9.

Since the Trust became fully operational in September 2018, we have recruited many outstanding leaders, teachers and associate/support staff. We are constantly refining our teaching methods that inspire our learners and encourage them to ‘Dream big’. We also have a highly effective behaviour and relationships behaviour policy that enables our young people to flourish in their lessons. All schools promote a positive climate for learning which is further enhanced by our commitment to providing a high-quality learning environment We have invested over £15 million in school buildings and IT, with more exciting plans for the future.

I am confident that all our academies will continue to improve at pace, and it is our ambition that all schools should be outstanding. I believe that your child will have every opportunity to thrive with us and to develop as a well-rounded and confident young person. We want your child to ‘Dream big’ and to know that many positive life choices are within their reach. Working with you, we will do everything in our power to make that a reality.

May I wish your child every success and an enjoyable experience during their secondary school years. I look forward to meeting you in the near future.

Transition Lead - Mr H Mahey, Assistant Principal (2024) 

If you require any additional information or have any questions, please contact our Transition Lead, Mr Mahey Assistant Principal via emailing [email protected] or telephoning 01902 677754. In the meantime, please follow us on our social media platforms, where you will gain a great insight into the life of our learners at Beacon Hill Academy.


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In the classroom

In every Year 7 and 8 classroom, there is a strong emphasis on English and Mathematics skills as the foundation for academic success. Our teaching is focused on encouraging communication, getting every learner in a classroom to join in with the lesson, helping the learners to solve problems in teams and to learn from each other. The key to success is making learners want to learn, giving them goals that motivate them (Dreaming Big) and approaches to teaching that keep them engaged, focused and making progress in every subject (Learning that Inspires).

We aim to accelerate the progress of every single learner by:

  • Building on areas of strength to improve outcomes for all pupils
  • Quickly identifying and dealing with any areas of weakness
  • Accelerating pupil attainment
  • Increasing the levels of outstanding teaching in the academy
  • Raising pupil confidence, developing their future career aspirations and increasing their knowledge of career options
  • Ensuring that all pupils, irrespective of their differing abilities, achieve their maximum potential – supporting those with learning difficulties.

Our learners are supported by a highly-committed teaching and support staff including the Trust Central Team of Outstanding Practitioners. Each member of our staff encourages learners to aim high in all that they do.