Mindful Monday (Drop Down Day)
Dear Parent/Carer,
As you are aware learners at Beacon Hill Academy have access to a rich curriculum which enables them to make informed choices and prepare for the future. As part of this broad and balanced approach, learners take part in a number of Drop-Down Days throughout the year. These opportunities are crucial to helping us fulfil our mission to achieve excellence and create an aspirant culture through values driven education.
Our first Drop-Down Day ‘Mindful Monday’ will take place remotely on Monday 8th February 2021, learners in each year group will develop their knowledge and understanding of a number of topics and themes as outlined below.
Details of further Drop-Down Days this year will be communicated with you in due course. In addition to the above, our tutor team will be making contact with parents/carers during the school day on Monday to check learner well-being and discuss levels of attendance and engagement with our distance learning provision. Please be mindful that this call may appear as a ‘Private number’.
We thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs R Spicer
Associate Senior Leader for SMSC Development